Can You Do a Background Check in Another Country? - An Expert's Guide

Globalization of the modern workforce has made it necessary for employers to hire candidates from other countries, and international background checks are essential to supplement domestic employment background checks. This type of verification looks for an applicant's credentials and criminal record in other countries, and helps ensure that applicants have the required qualifications and do not have a disqualifying global criminal record. Domestic background checks alone will not provide sufficient information about a candidate's background, skills, qualifications, and experience if they have lived or worked abroad. International background checks can fill this gap and allow employers to make fully informed hiring decisions.

They can help reduce the risks of fraud by validating applicants' education and credentials, verifying their qualifications, skills, and experience, and identifying warning signs in their background that could put the organization at risk. Conducting international background checks is complex and notoriously difficult due to the different laws and regulations of each country. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) restricts the processing of criminal record information for member states of the European Union (EU). The Personal Information and Electronic Documents Protection Act (PIPEDA) is Canada's federal data privacy law which covers data transfers both across provincial and international borders. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that protects consumer privacy in the information that credit reporting agencies (CRA) collect and disseminate to employers and other third parties.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes workplace discrimination illegal when it is based on the protected characteristics of applicants or employees. International background checks typically include verification of identity documents, employment verification, education verification, criminal background checks, and searches of global watch lists to check for sanctions and credit checks. However, the types of search requests that can be processed will depend on the privacy laws and regulations of the destination country. Before carrying out domestic or international background checks, employers must notify applicants and employees in writing of their intention to do so, and obtain signed consent. Employers can perform international background checks in two ways: by trying to complete the searches themselves or partnering with a reliable international background check provider such as iprospectcheck. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. International background checks are essential for employers who are considering candidates who have lived or worked abroad.

They can help increase workplace safety and security by providing a complete picture of an applicant's qualifications and background, allowing employers to make informed hiring decisions and eliminate candidates who might otherwise create greater liability risks. Globalization has made it necessary for employers to hire candidates from other countries. International background checks are essential to supplement domestic employment background checks in order to get a full picture of an applicant's qualifications, skills, experience, and criminal record. These types of searches can help reduce the risks of fraud by validating applicants' education and credentials, verifying their qualifications, skills, and experience, as well as identifying warning signs in their background that could put the organization at risk. However, conducting international background checks is complex due to different laws and regulations in each country. Before carrying out domestic or international background checks, employers must notify applicants and employees in writing of their intention to do so, and obtain signed consent.

Employers can perform international background checks either by trying to complete the searches themselves or partnering with a reliable international background check provider such as iprospectcheck. International background checks are essential for employers who are considering candidates who have lived or worked abroad. They can help increase workplace safety and security by providing a complete picture of an applicant's qualifications and background, allowing employers to make informed hiring decisions and eliminate candidates who might otherwise create greater liability risks.

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